Friday, May 13, 2011


This is one of Hubbies all time favorite things to eat. Baked with a soy sauce, brown sugar and pineapple, these are  super simple and always a hit at parties.
2 pounds of chicken wings
½ cup soy sauce
½ cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon black pepper
20 ounce can of pineapple chunks (drained well)

Cut the wings into sections, discarding the wing tip (or buy already cut up party wings) and place in a 9" x 13" baking dish.  Mix everything else together and spoon over the wings.

Bake in a 350 oven (uncovered) for 2 hours, turning everything over every 30 minutes or so. Now I know that seems like a LONG time for chicken wings, but trust me, it does takes that long for the wings to "break down" and be sweet, tender, juicy and sticky!!

Remove the wings and pineapple from the sauce and serve   (discard the sauce).

NOTE: Do not omit the pineapple, the flavor and moisture content of the fruit is important to the cooking process.

NOTE: If you are still in doubt about the two hour cooking time, click on the above photo and you will get a better look at the wings themselves and you will see they are juicy and not overcooked.

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